Yay! New comic page! Actually, before you read this one, you might want to refresh your memory of the last couple of pages, starting here.
click to visit larger image Epic of Sally Robertson, page 54 From Grass Dog Studio |
If what’s going on is a joke, and the timing of it kind of makes it one, it actually spans about five or six pages. Because we’re right in the middle of the end of book #2! Today’s page would be the first page of a three page punchline.
Thank you for sticking with me, by the way. The last couple of weeks were rather brutal, a combination of other obligations and my arm hurting put the kibosh on making comics for a while. To make up for it, I’m planning on releasing several pages of comic this week. Tomorrow and Friday will be new Harmless Free Radicals and Thursday will have the next page in The Epic of Sally Roberston.
Epic of Sally Robertson: Interrupted originally appeared on Drawing Contraption on 2013/10/15.