Yesterday, I wrote the following to my Facebook page:
“OK, here’s my dream job — no — career:
“A local gig working on a team to market and distribute comics of all sorts (strips, books, novels, webcomics, etc.) to the world at large, but specifically to people who are not comics fans, that pays enough to keep my house, eat well and save for retirement. Within walking distance would be awesome.
“I’m not being flippant or joking about this. I want this so bad.
“Problem is, I need the steady paycheck to start next month.
“Actually, the pay can start in January at the latest, but there’s usually that trial period and all that.
“I don’t have any delusions that this sort of thing could be handed to me ever, let alone in this sort of time frame. But, I’d like to let the goal color my decisions regarding the next few years or so. If there are any specific steps I could take in making it happen, I’d sure as heck like to know what they might be!
“… and it’s not so much for my own benefit, but for something I believe needs to happen. If the job simply existed with any good candidate filling the role, I’d be much happier.”
It occurs to me this morning that I have a blog. Maybe it’s time to start paying attention to it again.
Career originally appeared on Drawing Contraption on 2013/10/30.