ETA: And now it has been funded! Woo-hoo! Thank you so much everyone. The artwork will remain for sale in the name of the campaign for which it was created. Every little bit still helps.
Yesterday, I worked on an illustration in the name of helping to fund a friend of mine who is in need. All proceeds from the sales of that illustration will go toward her fund.
Well, I haven’t had any sales yet. But it’s not too late! Any revenue that comes in before noon will be transferred directly to Disa today so that she can get her belongings out of lien. Anything that comes in after that will still go to her, just after the fact.
But, here’s the cool thing. When I went to bed last night, her fund was $325 short of the goal. This morning? $65! Almost there!
Thank you! This is awesome!
Anyway, if you’d like to help out by buying the set of artwork, it’s still available at my Etsy shop.
Or, if you’d like to simply make sure that Disa’s got enough funding for the day to get here belongings out of lien (which I’d be quite grateful for), please visit her campaign and see what you can do:
Update on More Than Suitcases originally appeared on Drawing Contraption on 2014/08/18.