click to visit larger image A Montage of Trees From the Fenworks |
Here’s a collage of the work I’ve been producing lately! It’s kind of neat to see it all in one place. If you’ve been following my Facebook page, you’ve already seen most of this. But for those of you that haven’t, I thought this might be a good preview while I try to decide on the best public portfolio for it.
This work represents a couple of new series, one that is built on the other.
The first is a set of what I’m now calling Desktop Icons. They are a set of illustrations done on square cards of archival paper, with a foot glued to the back so that you can set them up on your desk like this:
I don’t think that photo does them a damn bit of justice, though. It looks cool, but they look even better in person! They work very well on mantels or arrayed around the centerpiece of a table, too.
Most of them so far have been expressive studies of trees. Some will be thistles. Some will be full landscapes. Some will be dragons and cartoon characters. And some will be portraits on request! And I’ve already started an Etsy shop in order to begin selling them. There aren’t very many there right now (many have already sold), but more are certainly on the way!
The second series is going to use the best illustrations from the first, primarily the expressive trees, in order to create more detailed work. The first in the series is also a series in and of itself! I chose the weeping birch tree from my collection of trees, blew it up and printed it in cyan. Then I inked it in detail. I did get a little confused part way through it and gave it willow leaves, so now it is a birchlow (and I meant to do that!). I am still trying to figure out how I want to sell the original drawing, but the prints will go up for sale soon and I’m doing some really neat things with those!
Weeping Birchlow – 8″x10″:
So, you’ll be able to purchase an 8″x10″ print of the original illustration, as shown above. Or, there will be one of a kind prints, Illustrated Prints, with the original tree printed and then a character or object drawn beneath, as depicted below!
Gorey Beneath the Weeping Birchlow – 8″x10″:
Again, these will be available from the Fenworks Etsy shop when they are ready to ship. I’ll make another post to alert you to this!
I’m really enjoying this work. It means almost as much to me as the dragons that I’ve been drawing, and I anticipate doing a lot more of it! Oh, and we should be seeing more of the dragons here pretty soon, too.
Art for you, that is also for me originally appeared on Drawing Contraption on 2013/07/17.